Visa for family reasons
Changes introduced by law decree 89/2011, converted in law n. 129/11, regarding EU citizens free circulation and stay (family members included), aimed at the correct transposition of EU legislation (2004/38 / EC) into national law, have included significant news about EU citizens (residing in Italy) visa applications for family reasons.
Italian representatives worldwide can’t issue long term national entry visas for family reunification more as defined by article 2 (paragraph 1, b letter) and by article 3 (paragraph 2 legislative decree n 30/2007) to attending or reaching foreign citizens, EU citizens’ family members.
Instead in their favor, verified EU citizens relationship or conjugal relationship, will be issued a Shengen short term visa (until 90 days, type C) that is for tourism with multiple entrances only for border-crossing purposes.
Any request about residency permits issued for family reunification will be presented only to Italian police hedquarters immigration offices.
Detailed information about requirements and documentation necessary for submitting applications can be requested only at these offices.
Visas for the aformentioned category are free of charge (art. 5 leg. Decree 30/2007).
After legalization at the Cuban minrex it’s strongly recommended to translate the requested documents proving kinship for Italian public offices and then having them legalized at the Italian embassy in Havana.
EU citizens’ family members don’t need to book appointments for the interview. We have branches dedicated and open on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00.
Applicants have to request Visa in person at the embassy visa counter not before 90 days from the travel date. Here they will be interviewed about the purpose of travel and introduced documentation.
The following information concerns only and exclusively EU residing Italian citizens, kin and family members until second kinship degree. ART 2 and 3 Leg. Decree 30/2007
(Spouses, children, relativess, in-laws, siblings, and grandparents)
Visa for family members is released free of charge.